We launched in 2006 and today, having a wealth of experience and competence in the field of power machine-building engineering and power engineering, we are one of the leaders in promoting innovations and technologies in the areas of mobile diagnostics, modernization, repair, monitoring and testing of power engineering equipment.
Carried out research and development works in the electrotechnical and machine-building engineering domain are aimed at the development and testing of high-voltage substation, linear and test equipment, a regulated electric drive for special purposes, electrical engines, innovative insulation systems.
We are actively engaged in projects of small and distributed energy, creating intelligent technologies for isolated power systems.
We provide services in the following areas:
- repair, modernization of large electrical machines (turbogenerators, high-voltage motors and transformers) at the installation sites using proprietary technologies, methods and techniques;
- mobile diagnostics of electric units using modern instruments in order to determine their technical condition, residual life and service life;
- development and manufacture of electrical insulating and structural materials with specified characteristics (a number of developments have no analogues).
Our staff includes Doctors of Sciences and PhDs, qualified technicians and workers, as well as talented post-graduate and undergraduate students. Maintaining broad relations with the universities of the country, we participate in the work of the specialized departments of the FGBOU the National Research University the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, the FGBOU Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman and other educational institutions.
We have accumulated a lot of experience in the execution of works, a large-scale archive of technical and design documentation has been collected, the principles of the organization and supply system of Kan-ban have been introduced, which allows fulfilling orders “on a turn-key basis” qualitatively and within minimum terms. Our customers are not only generating companies, suppliers and producers of electricity in Russia, but also international electrotechnical companies of near and far abroad.
We cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, as part of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Council for the Development of Power Engineering, Electrical and Cable Industries, and we are members of the Commission on the determination of the degree of localization with respect to a generating facility that operates using renewable energy sources. We are also members of the Union of Machine-Builders of Russia, the Committee on Power Engineering. Our partners are JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, PJSC Unipro, PJSC T Plus, PJSC OGK-2, JSC Inter RAO-Electric Generation, and PJSC FGC UES.
Our key advantages are:
-own developed technologies
-execution of work in the conditions of stations
-availability of necessary technical and design documentation
-highly qualified staff
-existence of stable relationships with most generating companies
-references on the works and supply of spare parts
– flexibility in pricing.