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At the end of November 2019, the first international scientific and technical conference SC A1 “Rotating Electric Machines” RNC CIGRE “Technical Diagnostics of High-Voltage Rotating Machines. Preconditions for the transition to repair according to the real (technical) state” was held at the site of the National Research University the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. The event was organized by the RNC CIGRE Association, PJSC Inter RAO, NRU MPEI at the initiative of BO-ENERGO LLC. The conference brought together representatives of the international professional community, technical managers and specialists of generating and industrial companies, manufacturers of rotating electric machines, research, design and service organizations. More than 200 industry experts discussed improving the reliability and efficiency of power equipment by introducing risk-based management based on digital technologies. The selected topic is extremely relevant and meets the requirements of the departmental project “Digital Energy”. The project was formed in order to digitally transform the sectors of the fuel and energy complex, to create conditions for the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions in them, taking into account the priorities outlined by the President of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” of the Russian Ministry of Energy approved in 2017.
The company NPO VEI Elektroizolyatsiya, JSC together with its partner FSBEI HE Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev ”presented a report on the topic: “The concept of adaptive-predictive operation of power generating equipment rotary machines” (Polyakov R.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Mechatronics, Mechanics and Robotics, OSU named after I. Turgenev, Kudryavtsev I.E., Executive Director of NPO VEI Elektroizolyatsiya, JSC, Krupenin V.N., Advisor to the General Director of NPO VEI Elektroizolyatsiya, JSC). The speakers outlined the required qualities of the adaptive-predictive analysis system, identified its key modules, presented an example of a multi-parameter multi-criteria analysis of the high-voltage equipment operability. In addition, the authors examined in detail the failure scenarios of the key elements of the turbine generator, mathematically formalized at each step of the process. The speakers also presented for discussion the project “Development of intelligent monitoring technology and prototype of the hardware and software complex for ensuring the safety of the energy complex facilities”, ready for implementation under the federal target program “R&D in Priority Directions for the Development of the Russian Science and Technology Complex for 2014-2020”.
For NPO VEI Elektroizolyatsiya, JSC the conference was the great opportunity to discuss with representatives of the international professional community questions on the diagnosis and monitoring of the state of high-voltage rotating power machines, as well as on the study of the conditions necessary for the transition to repair “according to the technical condition”. All these issues are of professional interests of the company for the near future.
Photo materials provided by the editors of the journal “ELECTRIC POWER. Transmission and distribution. ”